The online exam for Certificate, Diploma, and Fellowship courses is predetermined. The types of assessments each candidate would undergo include:

  • Self-assessment
  • Module grade online exam
  • End course exam

The candidate will be examined on every topic covered in the course material. A predetermined number of MCQs must be answered within a specified time frame. Once submitted, they cannot be retaken for a higher score.

The results will be posted online, and students can retrieve them from their LMS accounts. For all exams, a passing score of 50 per cent is required.

If a student is deemed unqualified for certification due to low evaluation scores, they may retake the exam one month after the initial attempt. Reexamination fees would be required.

The examinations will be evaluated in a fair and ‘blind’ manner, but if a student feels and wishes to appeal, he will be able to do so within one month of the announcement of the results. Thereafter, no further appeals or requests will be entertained.

If the student does not take the final exams or pass them within the specified course duration, he or she cannot continue the course. If the student wishes to continue, readmission and payment of the complete course fee are required.